First a little background...there once was a day when I lived with one of my BFFs who literally could not smell. She has something called anosmia, which means she smells NOTHING! Oh what bliss it was to live with someone who couldn't smell...those were the days of basking in my own stink without a care in the world about offending the nose of another. Alas, those days ended long ago, and as I cohabitate with a boy (my husband), I find myself caring about the way I smell. I also go out into the world and mingle with others...more specifically I am a yoga instructor who sweats a lot. Hey, we all sweat a lot in class and I like feels good! And I don't even mind others seeing the efforts of my work, I just don't want them to smell the efforts! Plus, I do not want a report card sent home to my old man saying that I play well with others, but need to work on personal hygeine. So what is your stinky hippie BFF supposed to do? Well, I embarked on a journey to find a deodorant that WORKS! Here's what I found:
I started with what I could find easily...Tom's of Maine and Kiss My Face. As your BF, I do not recommend either of these. They do not cut it in the stink me.

Next, I emailed another blogger, Chic Vegan, for some advice. Here's what she gave me...
- after shower, completely dry armpits.
- apply 3 squirts of Weleda Citrus Deodorant to each pit. Leaving arms up to allow to dry completely.
- apply a dusting of Burt's Bees Baby Bee Dusting Powder (This can be quite messy and takes some practice to perfect.)
- For really hot or active days I carry the mini Weleda spray in my bag and reapply in the middle of the day.

I found both of these products at Whole Foods. And for the first few days, I loved this combo. Here's what went wrong for me...first, I didn't make it through a long day of yoga without getting stinky. I later found out that when switching from antiperspirant to deodorant, you need you allow your pits to detox. Your pores begin to open after a long time of being clogged & stinkiness can increase for some time. It is important to give your pits 10 days to fully detox. I did not do this. The clincher for me was that the spray burned after shaving and gave my very sensitive skin a painful rash. May still work for some...maybe you want to give it a shot.
I did some more research on the internet and found They make something called Pit Putty that got very good reviews, so I had to try it!
I ordered the original scent which is lemon and clove and the scent was ok. Pit Putty contains arrowroot powder which helps absorb sweat. You actually have to rub pit putty into your pits, which kinda makes me feel like it works. They also have a 100% guarantee on their deodorants! So when this one didn't work for me, I contacted them and they sent me another one...I only had to pay shipping. They make custom deodorants & I tried the Super Pit Putty with patchouli (they have more floral/less earthy scents too). So far so good! and I know if it stops working, I can get another one! Bubble and Bee offers a variety of deodorant stick and sprays, as well as many other personal care products like lotions, soaps, and hair care. I also bought the natural Insect Repellent, and I love it!
But, here's what you really need to know, Stinky Girl. This is NOT your old chemical antiperspirant. So aside from just changing sticks, you have to change some habits as well. Do not think that you can wake up in the morning and roll out the door with yesterday's deodorant me...from one dirty girl to another. You at least need to wash those pits & re-apply! Some other handy tips from folks at Bubble and Bee...after shower, sanitize those pits with a little rubbing alcohol or apple cider vinegar before applying deodorant. This gives you the cleanest "working space".
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have or do some more research for you. I really really want your pits to be happy, healthy, and stick-free!
Your BFF